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Cardova digestion class 7 all main subject
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Nilesh Macwan,
Plants make their food by the process of photosynthesis, but animals cannot make their food themselves. Animals get their food from plants. Some animals eat plants directly while some animals eat plant eating animals. Thus, animals get their food from plants either directly or indirectly.

All organisms require food for survival and growth. Requirement of nutrients, mode of intake of food and its utilization in body are collectively known as nutrition.

Nutrition in complex animals involves following steps:

Ingestion- The intake of food is called ingestion. Method of ingestion, i.e. taking of food, varies from one animal to another.

Digestion - The process of breaking down of complex component of food into simpler substances is called digestion.

The process of digestion is different in human, grass eating animals, amoeba, etc.

Absorption – The process of passing of digested food into blood vessels in the intestine is called the absorption.

Assimilation – The conversion of absorbed food in complex substances such as proteins and vitamins required by body is called assimilation.

In other words, assimilation is the conversion of absorbed food (nutrients) into living tissues. Through the process of assimilation our cells are supplied with oxygen and nutrients.

Egestion – Removal of waste materials from the body is called egestion. The faecal matter is removed through the anus from time-to-time.

Since the waste of food left after digestion is also called faeces, hence the process of egestion is also known as defecation.

Different Ways of Tajubg Food: Ingestion

Different organism takes food in different ways.
•A humming bird sucks nectar of plants.
•Human beings use their hands to put food into their mouth and swallow the food after chewing.
•Infants of human and many other animals feed upon their mother’s milk by sucking them.
•A snake swallows the animals they prey upon without chewing them.
•A frog captures prey with its sticky tongue.
•An earthworm uses its muscular pharynx to swallow its food.
•Spiders weave sticky web in which small insects get stuck.
•Some aquatic animals filter tiny particles floating nearby and feed upon them.
•Amoeba, a unicellular animal, engulfs tiny particles of food by using pseudopodia. Amoeba surrounds the food by pseudopodia and then makes a food vacuole to engulf the food.
•In multicellular organisms; like hydra there are numerous tentacles around their mouth. Hydra uses tentacles to surround its prey and kill them with its stinging cells. Then the food is pushed inside the body cavity.


After taking of food, food is digested and then it is passed to the different parts of body for the growth, repair and other vital functioning of body.

The food we take is primarily in the form of complex substances. Food in such complex form is not used as such by animals. Hence, they need to be first broken down into simpler soluble forms so that they can be absorbed by the cells of the body.

The process of breaking down of complex component of food into simpler substances is called digestion. The process of digestion is different in human, grass eating animals, amoeba, hydra, etc.

Enzymes help in the breakdown of complex molecules like carbohydrates, protein, fats, etc. into simple molecules.

Digestion in unicellular animals; like Amoeba; is intracellular. The digestive enzymes are secreted in the food vacuoles.

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