how are eddy currents produced?

Every metal or a conducting substance has a large number of free electrons which move randomly in the metal.

When this peice of metal is subjected to a changing magnetic feild or flux the electrons exeperience force and move in circular paths of different radii..

These circular paths resembles eddies or whirpools in liquids which are created on ne disturbance in/on water surface..

hence these currents are termed as eddy currents.......

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Eddy currents (also called Foucault currents) are electric currents induced in conductors when a conductor is exposed to a changing magnetic field; due to relative motion of the field source and conductor or due to variations of the field with time. This can cause a circulating flow of electrons, or current, within the body of the conductor. These circulating eddies of current have inductance and thus induce magnetic fields. These fields can cause repulsive, attractive, propulsion and drag effects. The stronger the applied magnetic field, or the greater the electrical conductivity of the conductor, or the faster the field changes, then the greater the currents that are developed and the greater the fields produced.

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