How are rebels helpful to us If yes why If not why not ?

Dear friend, a rebel is a person who rises in opposition against an established government or leader. The next pat of your question may depend and vary. If a government or leader is ruling in an unjust and bad manner then rebels are usually helpful. But, if a government or leader is just and noble, a rebel is usually wrong and is usually a power-seeking rebel.

Hope this helps.
Thank You


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Rebel is not helpful to us because they have a source of mischief and amusement to others instead of helping us.
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No,rebels are not helpful to us because they will talk opposite to others that why rebels are not useful
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no they are never help to us they do opposite of  helping .
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Dear friend,
Rebels mean a person who rises in opposition or armed resistance against an established government or leader and going against a government is not correct. Hope this answer helps
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