How are somaclones culture from explant in in vitro conditions? Why are somaclones so called?

Dear student

Please refer the solution below for the said query

Tissue culture is the process of developing a complete plant (somaclones) from a part of a plant invitro. The plant part is called an explant.

Explants are grown in sterile conditions in special nutrient media to regenerate complete plants. Nutrient media contain a carbon source (such as sucrose), inorganic salts, vitamins, amino acids and phytohormones. The cells of explant divide inside the nutrient medium to produce a mass of undifferentiated cells called callus. The callus then differentiates to produce roots and shoots by regulating concentration of phytohormones like auxins and cytokinins in medium. Hence, propagation is achieved for a large number of plants in a short duration. This process is called micropropagation.

The plants produced through micropropagation technique are termed as somaclones as they are produced from parts of plant (explant) other than reproductive cells and are genetically identical to the original plant. Hence, are termed as somaclones.  

Hope this information clears your doubt about the topic.


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