How are universe made?

Dear Student,

Please find below the solution of your asked query:
  • Universe is formed from a dense condition called singularity where no laws of physics are applicable. The formation of our universe is explained by the Big Bang Theory which says that our universe was formed after the explosion of that dense point called singularity. Universe was created from singularity. Laws of physics do not apply there.
  • There was no ‘when’ or ‘where’ before the creation of the universe. Yes, time began after the big bang. Here is a simple example that would help you understand this. Suppose a coordinate system is forming from the origin of the system. The three axes (x, y, z) and the time axis will come out of the origin.
  • Now, for this coordinate system, what would be the time before the axes came out of the origin? No time existed at that point for this system right. In the same way, no time existed for this universe before its creation. Space and time came into existence only after the big bang. Parallel universes are not experimentally verified, so, it is inconclusive. Parallel universes are now only mathematical structures.
  • Presently no technologies are available that will let us travel in time. That is theoretically impossible. Inside black hole there is a singularity. Singularity is a point where the laws of physics are not applicable. Wormholes have not been observed in space yet. Again, it is a mathematical structure.
Hope this information clears your doubts about the topic.

Keep asking!!


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Universe formed after tge big bang happen
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Around 13.8 billion years ago, all the matter in the Universe emerged from a single, minute point, or singularity, in a violent burst. This expanded at an astonishingly high rate and temperature, doubling in size every 10-34 seconds, creating space as it rapidly inflated. Within a tiny fraction of a second gravity and all the other forces were formed. Energy changed into particles of matter and antimatter, which largely destroyed each other. But luckily for us some matter survived. Protons and neutrons started to form within the first second; within minutes these protons and neutrons could fuse and form hydrogen and helium nuclei. After 300,000 years, nuclei could finally capture electrons to form atoms, filling the Universe with clouds of hydrogen and helium gas. After around 380,000 years it left behind a bath of photons – the Cosmic Microwave Background that Penzias and Wilson accidentally detected. Within this were tiny ripples of matter that were stretched to enormous sizes during inflation, and in turn these became the seeds for the galaxies and galactic clusters we see today.
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