How atmosphere acts like a blanket

Our atmosphere is a protecting shield as a blanket for life on Earth. It prevents many fatal rays from Sun entering the Earth surface. For example, the ozone layer of the atmosphere protects us from the hazardous ultra violet rays from the Sun. The atmosphere protects us from the meteors and asteroids. When they enter into the atmosphere, due to friction, they will burn away. The oxygen needed to support life on Earth is obtained from the atmosphere. Our atmosphere is essential for life on Earth. We must protect it from pollution.

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atmosphere acts as a protective blanket for the organisms to exist. it keeps the average temperature of the earth fairly steady during the day and even during the course of the whole year. in addition the ozone shield (high concentration of ozone about 18-50km above the surface of the earth) of the atmosphere absorbs most of the harmful UV radiations coming from the sun thereby protecting man and animals from their harmful effects.

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There are many layers of atmospheres that covers the Earth's surface like a blanket.

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atmosphere acts as a protective blanket for the organisms to exist. it keeps the average temperature of the earth fairly steady during the day and even during the course of the whole year. in addition the ozone shield (high concentration of ozone about 18-50km above the surface of the earth) of the atmosphere absorbs most of the harmful UV radiations coming from the sun thereby protecting man and animals from their harmful effects.

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can u explain in any other way


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How does atmosphere maintain the temperature?

Air is a bad conductor of heat. During the day, it resists the heat from entering the Earth and at night, it does not allow the heat to escape from the Earth. Thus, the atmosphere does not allow a sudden increase in temperatures during the day and a sudden decrease in temperatures at night. This helps to maintain a moderate temperature, which is essential for life.

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thumbs up plzzz

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Being a bad conductor of heat, the atmosphere keeps the average temperature of the earth fairly constant during the day, even during the course of the whole year. Further, during the night, it slows down the escape of heat into outer space. In this way, it maintains the temperature on the earth and acts as a blanket.

hope dis hepls u....

  • -2
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