how can the class of drug can be determined such as ranitidine come under pharmacological effect of drugs ,why ranitidine not come under the drugs action ,how will someone can identify that drug have yo come in this class .plsss send correct answer plss.

Dear student

The question is not clear
Pharmacology is the study of drugs, including their origin, properties, actions, and interactions. The phrase "pharmacological effect" generally refers to the effect of a chemical on a living system, such as the human body. 
Rantidine are  antacids as they control the root cause of acidity. 
Ranitidine is also known as Zantac. It is an antihistamine which is designed  to prevent the interaction of histamine with the receptor present in the stomach wall. This results in release in lesser amount of acid. and therefore helps in improving symptoms like heartburn and stomach pain.

The classification of drugs is done depending on their use:

The classification of drugs and the reasons for classification are as follows:

(i) On the basis of pharmacological effect:

This classification provides doctors the whole range of drugs available for the treatment of a particular type of problem. Hence, such a classification is very useful to doctors.

(ii) On the basis of drug action:

This classification is based on the action of a drug on a particular biochemical process. Thus, this classification is important.

(iii) On the basis of chemical structure:

This classification provides the range of drugs sharing common structural features and often having similar pharmacological activity.

(iv) On the basis of molecular targets:

This classification provides medicinal chemists the drugs having the same mechanism of action on targets. Hence, it is the most useful to medicinal chemists.



  • -2
No idea bro
  • -2
Ranitidine is a pharmacological drug just because it is important to control only certain type of disease like acidity.
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