how could i make model for human eye

u could use waste items such as strings for retina, cornea etc. a bangle (by bending)for lens 

hope it helps!!!

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Things You'll Need

    12-inch diameter foam ball
    Project display board
    Red pencil
    Blue, green or brown paint
    Construction paper


    • 1

      Cut the foam ball in half across the middle.

    • 2

      Place the flat sides of the cut ball on a work surface.

    • 3

      Trace a circle in the center of the round side of one of the ball halves using the bottom of a glass or other circular object. This is the iris of the eye.

    • 4

      Draw a smaller circle within the iris, and paint it black to represent the pupil. Paint the iris -- the part between the two circles -- an appropriate eye color, such as brown, dark brown, blue or green.

    • 5

      Use a red pencil to draw curved "veins" stemming away from the iris.

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      On the other half of the foam ball, draw veins all over the rounded side.

    • 7

      Place the project display board flat on a table. Hot glue the flat side of the ball that has the iris and pupil at the center of the left side of the board. Allow to dry.

    • 8

      On the project board, use a marker to label the parts located in the front portion of the eye. Draw lines leading from their respective locations on the ball to their labels. For each label, add a one-sentence definition. For example, draw a line from the pupil to the board and write: The pupil is a black circular opening in the center of the iris through which light passes to the retina.

    • 9

      Glue the flat side of the other half of the foam ball to the center of the right side of the project display board. Allow to dry.

    • 10

      Draw in and label the parts located in the back of the eye that are not visible from the outside. For example, outline the retina, and add a line from it to the board and its name and definition.

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      Type up descriptions and functions of the parts of the eye. Print out these write-ups and mount them on construction paper. Glue the mounted descriptions to the center section of the display board. Allow to dry flat.


      Tips & Warnings


        Instead of a foam ball, you can use white modeling clay or play dough coated with clear nail polish to create the model.


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u can make it with pottery clay, thermocol or even 'plaster of paris'

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Modeling clay or styrofoam are probably the best options.

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answer : eye is best
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eye is our life
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Dear Friend,
As it is an activity it should be done by your own effort. And all the best.
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u can see on you tube
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you can use paper mache clay to make tis body . then you can use strings for retina,cornea,optic nerves, bent its a little section for can use colored water for iris
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