How did Dr. Sadao help the American POW to escape ? What humanitarian values do you find in his act ?

Dear student

After making sure that the American was well enough to travel, Dr. Sadao prepared for his escape. He put his boat out on the shore, with some extra clothing, two quilts, water and food so that the American could row to a little island off the coast. Sadao suggested that the American live there until he saw a Korean fishing boat, which could help him. He gave him some advice on how to find food on the island and gave him a flashlight, which he could use to communicate with Sadao. We learn that Sadao valued a human life more than his own country. He put his own life at risk in order to save the American, even though he was a prisoner of war. 


  • 36
  • -17
He shows that he will follow his profession and the patients are equal to him.
  • -10
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