How did Hitler try to dismantle the structure of democratic rule in Germany in 1933

Solution -
After acquiring power, Hitler tried to dismantle the democratic rule of Germany. A mysterious fire broke out in German parliament building in February facilitated his move. The fire decree of February finally suspended the freedom of speech , press and assembly guaranteed by the Weimer republic. Then he turned on to his arch enemies most of whom were already packed off to newly established concentration camps . The repression of communists were severe.On 3 March 1933 the famous the Enabling act was passed . This act finally established dictator ship in Germany.It gave Hitler all power to sideline constitution and rule by decree.
Special forces and surveillance were created to control and order the society in terms ofwants of Nazis. Apart from the already existing police in green uniforms and SA or storm troopers ,these included the Gestapo etc. People could now be detained in Gestapo torture chambers, rounded up and set to concentration camps ,deported at will or arrested without legal proceedings.

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