How did Louis XVI contribute to the outbreak of the French Revolution?? 

Yes, democracy at global level is pssible. Democracy has progressed and the spread in phese. Polotical scientist name it the "waves" of democracy. The socio- political conditions worldwide are different so the spread of democracy is causing it to form various species of its own. We have democracy in US, India and China which differ from each other. The recant arab spring of Myanmar is an example of democracy where the call of domocracy came from the people but in Iraq it was an external, alien force of US. Moreover, attempts are being made to make the international organization more democratic. As a result people of thecworld can vent theirviews and ideas about the international and global affairs.

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Sorry @mohd this is not right answer of your question it is the answer of your following qurstion: that is

Is domocracy practiced in global organizational ? Justify with example.
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