How did mendel prove through his experiment that the inherited characters are transmitted independently from one generation to the next

How did mendel prove through his experiment that the inherited characters are transmitted independently from one generation to the next - Explain how sex is determined in man [HSLC' 171 S. What are the factors of speciation? Illustrate with example. [HSLC' 171 Menti0TMhe factors that could lead to the rise of a new species. (HSLC' 181 What is dominant character? How did Mendel prove through his experiments that the inherited characters are transmitted in- dependently from one generation to the next? [HSLC' 1 fine homologous organs and analogous organs. Can the wings of a bird and that of I a bat be considered as homologous organs? I IHSLC' 18] I Justify your answer. : 4/5/6 |

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