how did procrastination in learning French cost the French people dearly and how can the vice of procrastination be overcome?

Every language is like a Coding or Encrypted Cyphers. At first you see them with amusement thinking that you won't be able to learn them. But slowly with great efforts, we decode/learn them; REGULAR, CONSISTENT, PRACTISE.
With all these we could achieve the so-called language irrespective of nationality SIMPLY and EASILY.
Here the narrator skipped numerous classes and go on to errands and spend his majority classes exploring the beauty of nature instead of learning French.
Later after such a long act of procrastination he ended up with nothing.
Concluding the fact that know how you procrastinate? for what all you procrastinate?; understand the later back-fires and try to overcome by later tension you would have and rectify as SOON AS POSSIBLE. Eureka!!! You just did it
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Procrastination in learning French costed the French people dearly as many of the French students and French people didn't know their own language well. This made the other lingual groups (like Prussians) mock the French people of not knowing their mother tongue. Also, their language was forbidden to be taught in schools and the use if it was limited by the government.
The vice of procrastination can be overcome by specifying and teaching the importance of the concept. Until, people will not get the need of a particular thing, they will develop a habit of procrastinating and taking things lightly. In this case, if the feeling of patriotism among the French was developed and they were taught the need and importance of it, the vice of procrastination could be overcome.
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