how did silicon valley in california get its name? Trace its growth into a major it hub.

Dear Student,

In 1971, Silicon valley was coined by  Don Hoefler .Silicon  Valley in California derived its name because most of the devices built there are made of semiconductors such as silicon.

Silicon valley owes its origin to the brilliant Stanford University professor of electrical engineering, Frederick Terman, rightly known as father of silicon valley. Teaching radio engineering, he encouraged his students to work for local companies and to start businesses of their own, rather than being lured back east to the dead end attraction of safe, "establishment" companies there.

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Silicon Valley is the original home to the semiconductor chip making industry that uses silicon (fine sand!) as a basic raw material, prompting a newspaper writer one day to call it Silicon Valley. Since the name was coined by the press media, it got it's name as such.

Over the past 15 years, Silicon Valley has created some of the world's most successful companies and best-paid workers,But now amid the great recession the number of people here who are unemployed -- hovering around 100,000 for a year and a half .

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