How Did The English East India Company Benefit From The Battles Of Plassey And Buxar?

The Battle of Plassey greatly benefited the British. Through their victory in this battle, the British East India Company was able to instal a puppet ruler in Bengal.  The Company could now trade unhindered from Bengal. The Company also acquired large tracts of land in and around Calcutta as its property and also acquired a share of the treasury of the Nawab of Bengal.

The Battle of Buxar resulted in even greater benefits for the British. Through their victory in this battle, the British East India Company acquired the Diwani of Bengal which gave them the rights to collect taxes. They were able to exploit people mercilessly in the name of tax collection and fill up their own coffers. This was also the beginning of the Company's formal role in the administration of India which eventually led to them becoming ruler of all India. 


  • 1
in battle of plassey they almost controlled whole bengal and same happened in buxar one also.
  • -4
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