how did the ghost got salvation?

Virginia is  a young girl, who achieves the impossible task of transforming a murderer into one desperate for salvation. Unlike the rest of her family, she does not ridicule, laugh, trick or trouble the ghost. She is sensitive enough to feel his misery, and acts as a friend who recognises his distress. She listens to him, learns an important lesson, as well as the true meaning behind the riddle. She agrees to weep for him as he has no tears, pray as he has no faith and accompanies him to the angel of death and beg for mercy for him. She risks her life, goes with the ghost to the garden of Death. Virginia saw the wall fading like a mist and a bitter cold wind was blowing around. They went past the animals, strange creatures and did not halt. In a moment the wall closed behind them and the tapestry chamber was empty. Thus Virginia helped the ghost to attain salvation and be laid to rest in the end.

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