how did the peasant contribute to the outbreak of the french revolution ? explain. Needed urgently for tommorow . please help

All the peasants belonged to the third estate. They had an important role in the outbreak of the French Revolution. They were the members of  the third estate and the most sufferers of the feudal system held in France during the reign of Louis XVI. They were forced to pay both the taxes to the State - tallies and tithes, which the the clergy and feudal lords didn't pay. The price of the bread was also rose and as a common citizen of the state it was hard for them to buy it. The nobles and Clergy kept them as their slaves. But the peasants were determined to strike for this injustice's act and ultimately their actions led to the outbreak of the revolution. They demanded for their rights. They also represented themselves in the National assembly and drafted a constitution for France after which France became a constitutional monarchy. But, they were very disappointed from the outcome of the revolution as Napoleon crowned himself the emperor of France and the Peasants again had the same life as before the revolution.   

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