How did the women participate in the revolution that took place in France what was the impact

Women played an important role in the French Revolution.

1. Women played a key role in starting the Revolution. The Revolution started as protests against the high price of bread. Women stormed bakeries in Paris to obtain bread which had become unaffordable. Troops fired at the protestors. In retaliation, crowds stormed into the Bastille. This marked the start of the Revolution.

2. The Jacobin club eventually dominated the Revolution. Women were important members of the Jacobin club. 

3. However, despite the important role played by women, their importance was not recognized. Thus, the constitution of revolutionary France did not even give the right to vote to women.

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The French Revolution had been a great period of both chaos and change. Women, being constantly undermined in the corrupt society entered the revolution with all odds against them. Despite this, they took it as a chance to voice their thoughts and ideas and influence others to realize the injustice that was occuring everyday. Many femenists were punished for their actions and contradictory speeches and because of it, the movements were squelched by those who didn't want the patriarchal society to change. Although the French Revolution didn't alter the way men treated women, it created awareness for the equal rights of women and their capabilites to do more than just cook or clean.
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