how did the women suffer in France during the old regime

help me answering this question experts please help
  • -6
The women suffered for the gender unequalities and for justice like right to vote
  • -4
Women in the Old Regime suffered for many reasons. They were passive citizens who had no right to vote. They were engaged in various works or jobs but they were paid very low. They worked as tailors, sold flowers, fruits and vegetables or served as household servants. Most of them had no access to education or job training.

 hope it helps
  • 12
Women in the Old Regime suffered for many reasons. They were passive citizens who had no right to vote. They were engaged in various works or jobs but they were paid very low. They worked as seamstress or laundresses ,sold flowers, fruits and vegetables or served as household servants. Most of them had no access to education or job training.
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