How do green plants produce food ?

 green plants produce food through the process of photosynthesis . they combine carbondioxide , water and sunlight to form starch and oxygen is released in this process .
hope this helps you !
thumbs up plz.... :-)

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 Green plants produce food through the process of Photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis has a number of requirements mainly water, carbon dioxide and sunlight. The process takes place in the leaves of the plants, more specifically on the chloroplasts. To sustain photosynthesis, a plant gets sunlight with its leaves, water from its roots and carbon dioxide from its tiny openings called stomata. It requires nutrients and minerals, which plants collect from the soil. All the components that are involved in photosynthesis are interdependent. Lack of sunlight, water or carbon dioxide will surely interfere with the plant's food production processes.

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 by the process of photosynthesis....

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 photosynthesis is the process by which green plants produce food...

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 Plants make food in their leaves.  The leaves contain a pigment called chlorophyll, which colors the leaves green.  Chlorophyll can make food the plant can use from carbon dioxide, water, nutrients, and energy from sunlight.  This process is called photosynthesis.

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 By Photosynthesis with the help of sunlight, air, water & chlorophyll.

hope this helps.....................

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  • Photosynthesis is a complex process in which plants produce food to sustain their growth. It undergoes a number of phases. In the light collection and reactions phase, plant leaves have chloroplasts that contain chlorophyll. As sunlight strikes on the leaves of the plant, the chlorophyll enables the plant to absorb light and initiate the photosynthetic process among the chloroplasts.

    During water photolysis, the plants get water from the roots. The energy sourced from the sun enables the plant to split the water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. Various reducing agents in the chloroplast, such as NADPH, provide a source of energetic electrons, which will ensure continuous process of plant food production.

    As carbon dioxide enters through stomata, it combines with the stored energy in the chloroplast to produce simple sugar. To do that, the photosynthetic process at this phase facilitates carbon fixation or a CO2 redox reaction to break it down into its molecules. The hydrogen molecule from the water binds with the carbon molecules to form simple sugar, which is a form of carbohydrate.


  • Once simple sugars are produced, they are transported to the other parts of the plant via tubes in the leaves, roots, stem and fruits. While some of these sugars are instantly consumed by the plant to sustain normal functions, excess food or sugars are then stored as starch. In other more complicated processes, the plant manages to build more complex substances out of their excess food or use them to make new plant tissues or cellulose.

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 They produce food throgh the process of photosynthesis which takes place in the precence of a green pigment chlorophyll. Asuffecient amount of sunlight is required for this process to take place. carbon di oxide is taken in by the plant and oxygen is given out.

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green plants produce food through the process of photosynthesis . they combine carbondioxide , water and sunlight to form starch and oxygen is released in this process .hope this helps you !thumbs up plz.... :-)

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