How do lakes in India differ from each other in size and other characteristics, explain with examples ????

Dear Student,

1. A depression on the earth surface where water gets collected is known as lakes.
2. Lakes can be permanent or seasonal and are formed by the actions of glaciers, running water, wind and waves. It is the difference in their formation that determine their characteristics and make them differ.
3.There are certain lakes which are seasonal and  flow during the rainy seasons. for example,Sambhar lake in Rajasthan 
4. Most of the lakes are the result of the action of glaciers and ice sheets,they are mainly found in Himalayan region and are called fresh water lakes. Example, Wular lake in jammu, or Dal lake, lake in naintal , Bhimtal etc.
5. A meandering river across the flood plain also form cut offs , which develop into ox-bow lakes. For Example, chilka lake in Odisha.
6. Dams built on rivers also lead to the formation of lakes like Guru Gobind Sagar  on the Bakhra Nangla Project.


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