How do they live in such high pressure?

How do they live in such high pressure? Ptatns In most animals, the metabolic reactions and hence physiological functions proceed optimally in a narrow temperature (in humans, it is 370C). But there are microbes (archaebacterial flourish in hot springs and deep sea hydrothermal vents temperatures far exceed 1000C. How is this possible? Many fish thrive in Antarctic waters where the temperature is below zero. How do they manage to prevent their body fluids fromjree A large variety of marine invertebrates and fish live at great dep he ocean where the pressure could be > 100 times the normal atmos pressure that we experience. How do they live under such high pre nd do they have any special enzymes? Organisms living in such wironments show a fascinating array of bÄl adaptatio Some organisms show behavioural responses to cope riations in their environment. Desert lizards lack the physiologic at mammals have to deal with the high temperatures of theil It manage to keep their body temperature fairly constant by be They bask in the sun and absorb heat when tl

Dear Student,

Marine organisms face compression on the lungs due to an increase in atmospheric pressure due to the great depths of the ocean. But marine invertebrates like crustaceans and sea cucumbers are not affected by the pressure difference as these organisms do not have lungs or gas-filled cavities. In the case of fishes, they have a range of physiological adaptations which enables them to live under high pressure. They have streamlined shaped bodies which ensure less oxygen consumption. They also have a higher concentration of the protein myoglobin which binds the oxygen in muscle tissues. The cell membrane of these organisms has a high number of unsaturated fatty acids to increase fluidity. They also have enzymes that are monomeric and contain amino acids that have strong non-covalent bonds which increases the stability. These ensure the survival of marine organisms under such high pressure.


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