how do we recycle paper? what are the colours used in bins to collect garbage? how to prepare vermicompost pit and make the manure? what are the health problems caused by burning plastics? is plastic a friend or a foe?

Dear student.

There are several steps which are involved in recycling of paper, such as:

Pulping: Paper that has to be recycled is soaked in the huge pulpers, which contain water and chemicals.
Pulp screening and cleaning: Th pulp is forcely passed through the holw of various sizes so as to remove small contaminants
Deinking: It is the step which involves removing the ink or sticky materials such as glue from the paper fibers of the waste paper.
Refining and bleaching: the pulp is beaten to make the recycled fibers swell. If white recycled paper is to be produced, the pulp would need to be bleached with hydrogen peroxide, chlorine dioxide, etc.
Paper making: the cleaned up pulp is ready to be made into recycled paper. 

Dustbins are categorised into two different colours- green and blue , in order to differentiate the type of wastes put into them. There are two types of wastes based on whether can be degraded naturally in nature or not. These are biodegradable wastes and non-biodegradable wastes. In green coloured dustbin, biodegradable wastes are put and in blue , non -biodegradable wastes are put.  This categorisation helps in easy disposal of wastes. Wastes from green coloured dustbins can be utilised to make manures. 

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