how does garbage hold different meaning for adults & children?

 for childer garbage was finding gold for them like a game occassionaly they find a rupee even 10 rupees note which make them more enthusiastic to find more.

But for adults it was a means for survival through which they are able to earn a living and a roof above them eventhough it is a leaky roof

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For adults it was a mean of meal for a day and for children it meant gold as sometimes they would get coins or a ten rupee note
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The garbage had different meanings for the adults and the children.For adults it was their only means of survival but the children it meant as if it was gold as it was full of surprises for them.
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Garbage for children means gold as they get money i.e coins and even then rupee notes. For their parents it is a earning asthe sell garbage and get their daily bread
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garbage has two diffeernt meaning for children as well as adults because garbage is like gold for the children as they try to find out something that can be considerd as essential for them wheras it has different meaning for adults as from garbage they try to sell it and earn money with the help of which they are able to earn thir bread.
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The 'garbage' has different connotations for adults and their children. For adults, searching through garbage is just a daily activity which makes their survival possible ,but for children it is wrapped in wonder . It satisfy their curiosity and eagerness as they come across various new things.
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