How does Mandela remember his predecessor?
The fight
A long walk to freedom.

Dear Student,
Mandela believes that he is the new runner in a race carrying the legacy of his predecessors. He admits that the sacrifices and the suffering taken by everyone before him has resulted in getting the freedom that they had long anticipated. He also says that their sacrifices, valour and courage cannot be compared.

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Dear student,

 As Mandela was carrying forward the baton of the freedom struggle, he was also carrying the legacy of leaders of yesteryears. In a baton race, the new runner simply carries forward the work done by his predecessors. This is what Nelson Mandela was doing. That is what he was trying to convey by making this statement.

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At the beginning of his speech, Mandela mentions , he was carrying forward the baton of the freedom struggle, he was also carrying the legacy of leaders of yesteryears. In a baton race the new runner simply carries forward the work done by his predecessors. 
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