how does skin act as excretory organ

Skin also acts as an excretory organ. It possesses glands, namely, sweat glands and sebaceous glands. Sweat is a watery fluid that consists of metabolic wastes like water, sodium chloride, lactic acid, amino acids, urea, glucose, etc.  Besides excreting metabolic wastes from the body, sweat also has a cooling effect on the body. On the other hand, sebaceous glands help in excretion of sebum which consists of lipids, fatty acids, etc.

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Our skin also acts like an excreatory organ. I excreats sweat. Sweat is a waste product.

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Skin excretes sweat through sweat glands throughout the body. This helps to remove additional wastes, such as excess urine. Furthermore, the sweat, helped by salt, evaporates and helps to keep the body cool when it is warm. So, it can be defined as an excretory organ.
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the skin act as a execretory organ because it removes exess salt and water present in the form of sweat

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