how does the smell of the cooked food reach our nostrils even without our entering the kitchen

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 In cooked food, the particles of matter absorb heat and turn into gaseous state and mix with atmospheric air. So the smell of food reaches our nostrils without our entering the kitchen through air.

There is another example for this fact. When we light an incense stick, its smell reaches our nostrils even if we are away from it. But when it is not lighted, we don't get the smell.

Hope it helps... if it does, thumbs up please!

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the smell comes to us by diffusion . Particles of smell mixes up with air and we know that air flows continuously and smell also flows and reaches to our nose
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We know that the particles of matter are continuously moving. the particles of the smell f food cooked in the kitchen reaches our nostrils because of this property of matter. the particles move from the kitchen and reach our nostrils.
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As we know particles of matter are continuously moving. They move even faster when the temperature is increased. Due to this phenomenon we are able to smell the hot sizzling food even from a distance, but to smell normal food(cold food) we have to go nearer to it.
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because temperature increses kinetic energy increases particles move faster
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