how is crop protection done to increase the yield of crops

why is crop protection called environmet friendly

The following methods are used to protect crops and to increase its yield-
1.Mixed cropping-It allows two or more crops to be grown simultaneously on the same land. For example wheat, gram etc. Crops are choosen in such a way that they require different amount of minerals.
2.Intercropping-It allows the farmers to grow two or more crops at a same time but in different patterns. For example cauliflower and chillies. Crops are selected in such a way that they have different nutrient requirements.
3.Crop rotation-Growing two or more crops on sequential seasons. For example, cultivation of maize followed by soyabean. Helps in preventing crops against insects and pests.
The crop protection is considered eco-friendly as it does not involve the use of pesticides and insecticides which is harmful for the environment.

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