How is Derry’s and Mr. Lamb’s behavior and attitude different towards people
because of their physical impairment?​

Both Derry and Mr. Lamb were physically handicapped.
Derry's burnt face had scarred his soul. He was withdrawn and felt that people were afraid of him because he had the ugliest face. He felt that people pretended to be sympathetic when actually they were repulsed. They either ignored him or gave him curious looks, glances and questions. He feels awkward and abnormal. He did not even like his mother kissing him because she kissed the other side of the face and he felt she did so as she had to. This sense of isolation is heightened by the overprotective attitude of his mother, who tried to keep him isolated to protect him from getting hurt. As a resut, he had no true friends. Derry believed that people such as him are better off with others like themselves to avoid being stared at.
On the other hand, Mr. Lamb said that beauty was relative and he enjoyed everything God had made, even the weeds in the garden and the bees singing. He respected each creation's individually. He felt that Derry could get with his life, like everyone, or even better. He also said that hating people would do him more harm than any bottle of acid. It would burn away his inside. He told Derry that it was incorrect to judge people by what they looked like. Though Mr. Lamb led a lonely life, he believed that people who entered his garden were his friends. He avoided thinking of his isolation and tried to invite company by keeping the gate to his house open.

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