how is desructive distillation of coal carried out?

Destructive distillation is defined as the process of heating coal strongly in the absence of air.

As a result of destructive distillation the coal does not burn but produces many by-products.

The apparatus used for destructive distillation of coal is given as:

The coal is heated in the absence of air resulting in the formation of coal gas, ammonia, coal tar and coke. Coal on heating strongly in the absence of air changes to coke. The gas that is released in the process is then made to pass through water. On doing this, some of the compounds get condensed and settle down at the bottom of the container. This is known as coal tar. However, some still remain in the gaseous state. These are collected as such and are known as coal gas. 

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Destructive distillation is the chemical process involving the decomposition offeedstock by heating to a high temperature; the term generally applies to processing of organic material in the absence of air or in the presence of limited amounts of oxygen or other reagents catalysts , or solvents , such as steam or phenols , it is an application of pyrolysis . The process breaks up or 'cracks ' large molecules. Coke, coal gas, gas carbon, coal tar and ammonia liquor are examples of commercial products of the destructive distillation of coal.

Currently the major industrial application of destructive distillation is to coal .

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by boiling crude oil at 400 c

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it is carried out in petroleum refinary

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