How is Gene Transfer in Bacterial cell under Indirect Method? Since we are only using Substances and processes to make the bacterial cells Competent and and Forcing R-DNA by using thermal shock; Which is Similar to electroporation

How is Gene Transfer in Bacterial cell under Indirect Method? Since we are only using Substances and processes to make the bacterial cells Competent and and Forcing R-DNA by using thermal shock; Which is Similar to electroporation ALL" Ligation Of the DNA fragment into a vector Pre-m The complementary sticky ends of the passenger and vehicle DNAs are joined with ligase enzyme. This rise to a recombinant DNA. Transferring the recombinant DNA into the host (Gene transfer) Transfer Of desired genes from one organism into another is an important aspect of genetic engineering. Gene transfer is achieved by two kinds of transfer methods: (i) Indirect method through vectors or carriers and (ii) Direct or vector less transfer meth Qd. (i) Indirect method : - (a) Gene Transfer in bacterial cell t ri t O th te t' •th t Note: The host cells are treated with clacium chloride or so e. Transformant : E.coli with plasmid Non-transformant : E.coli without plasmid

Dear Student,

Gene transfer is the incorporation of foreign genetic material or DNA into a person (host). It can be done in a manner other than sexual reproduction. DNA can be transferred either naked or within another organism like virus which has been specifically modified so it can take the gene along with it when it enters the host cell. Gene transfer can be used for the treatment of diseases to supply patients with therapeutic genes. For example: Human gene transfer helps in the treatment of genetic disorders, particularly, those diseases which are caused due to inborn error in a single gene like sickle cell anemia and hemophilia. Sometimes, this process gets hampered when incorporation is inhibited, therefore to overcome this situation a new technique was evolved which is referred to as indirect gene transfer which is mediated through vectors (organisms which have the potential of transferring the genetic material).

For example, Crown gall disease is caused by the agent known as Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a soil borne, Gram-negative bacterium which adversely affects economically important crops like grapes, walnuts, apples and roses. This gall develops due to the presence of tumour inducing (Ti plasmid) genes in the plasmid of this bacterium. This was overcome by removing the ends of the Ti plasmid and again introduced in the hosts hence, there was no gall. Similarly, in this case the bacteria is not competent to take the foreign plasmid therefore to make it suitable it was treated with CaCl2 solution. Thus, this type of introduction of foreign DNA into host using other agent is called as indirect gene transfer.

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