how literacy and occupational structure are indicators of country's growth and development

Dear student,

The literacy rate is the total percentage of the population who can read and write. A high literacy rate affects the quality of the human population. A high literacy rate will allow people to avail better job employment opportunities and contribute in the growth of economy. Hence, contributes to a developed economy.

The occupational structure refers to the distribution of population engaged in different occupations/sectors, i.e. primary, secondary or tertiary sectors. The occupational structure for an economy indicates its state of development. A greater share of the agriculture sector in the occupation structure reflects an underdeveloped state of the economy, on the other hand, a higher share of the service sector indicates that the economy is in a developed state. 


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because if a person is educated then only he will be able to get a good and secured job and could become an assest rather than a liability.....and if maximum number of people in a country are assest the country will develop naturally....
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The occupational structure of country refers to the distribution of its labour force in different occupations. A.G.B. Fisher was the first economist to introduce the concepts of primary, secondary and tertiary occupations in 1933. ... All countries start with a heavy concentration of population in primary production.
and the above ans is correct too...:)
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