how many 4-letter words can be formed using the letters of the word FAILURE so that

1) Fis included in each word 2) F is not included in any wrd

isn't the answer supposed to be 6P3? the answer given in the reference book is 6C3 X 4! =480


u are,,fare

  • -10

(1) F included in the 4-letter-word:-

There are four cases in which F is present in the word.

CASE 1 :- F is the first letter of the 4-letter word,

The rest 3 letters required can be chosen in 7C3 ways from the word FAILURE. And these 3 letters can be arranged in 3!.


No. of 4-letter words with F as the first letter =7C3* 3!


Case 2:-F is the second letter of the 4-letter word,

The rest 3 letters required can be chosen in7C3ways from the word FAILURE. And these 3 letters can be arranged in 3!.


No. of 4-letter words with F as the second letter =7C3* 3!


Similarily for Case 3 and Case 4 :-7C3* 3! ways each.


Hence totally if F is incuded then the no. of 4-letter words = 4 *7C3* 3! = 4*35*6 = 840 words.


(2) F is not included in the 4-letter word,

Then choosing 4 letters rest of the 6 letters can be done in 6C3 ways and it can be arranged in 4! ways.


Hence no. of 4-letter-words formed without F = 6C3 * 4! = 480 words.


  • -6
there are 10 points in a plane out of which 5 are collinear find the number of quadrilaterals formed
  • -5
(i). If F is included in each word.
     F is fixed and the remaining three letters can be chosen by : 6 C 3 
     which can be further arranged by : 4!* 6 C 3 =480

(ii). If F is not included in each word.
     We have to use letters AILURE.
     4!* 6 C 4 = 360 
  • 12
How many four letter words can be formed using letters of the word “FAILURE”, so that F is included in each word?
  • 0
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