How many cells are used to write the electronic configuration of element? The answer given is K, L, M..........but it is not correct the number of shells depend upon the atomic number....... is the answer is correct or not

Dear Student
Shells are K, L, M, N, O and so on.
K shell = Maximum 2 electrons
L shell = Maximum 8 electrons
M shell = Maximum 18 electrons and so on
On increasing atomic number one electrons gets filled. Electronic congiguration is:
H = 1
​​​​​He = 2
Li = 2,1
Be = 2,2
B = 2,3 and so on.

  • 2
Basic electronic configuration works on the shells k,l,m. Hence it is correct.
  • 1
the answer given is K, L ,M, N.... as I forgot to give N
  • -1
The main method of electronic configuration is K,L,M and so on.
  • 2
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