how many different words can be formed of the letters of the word malenkov so that no two vowels are together?

There are 8 letters in the word 'MALENKOV', including 3 vowels (A, E, O) and 5 consonant's (M, L, N, K, V)

The total number of words formed by using all the eight letters of the word 'MALENKOV' is

So, the total number of words formed so that no vowels are together = Total number of words – Number of words in which vowel are always together  ....... (1)

Now, considering three vowels as one letter so we have 6 letters which can be arranged in ways

The vowels (A, E, O) can be put together in 3! ways.

So, the required number of words in which vowels are always together = 6! × 3!

= 720 × 6

= 4320

Thus, the total number of words formed so that no vowels are together = 40320 – 4320

= 36000

  • -2


first we will calculate the no. of possible words = 8!=40320

Then, we will calculate the words formed with vowels together=6!3!

Then, to calculate the words with novowels together we will minus no. of possible words by the words formed by the vowels together= 40320-4320=36000 ans.

  • -9

my question was NO TWO VOWELS but the solution which i have received contains all the three vowels kindly send the solution again

  • 2
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