How many electrons will be present in subshells having spin quantum number value of -1/2 for n=4?

 it's 32.
use 2n^2 to figure the number of electrons for each shell.

To explain why 2n^2 works, we gotta understand the quantum numbers.

s subshell (l=0) has 2 electrons (starts at n=1)
p subshell (l=1) has 6 electrons (starts at n=2)
d subshell (l=2) has 10 electrons (starts at n=3)
f subshell (l=3) has 14 electrons (starts at n=4)

Since it's n=4, then possible values for l are 0,1,2,3

2+6+10+14 = 32

Half of them would be with sipn 1/2 and half with spin -1/2
So no. of e with spin quantum no. = -1/2 would be 32/2 = 16    

  • 21
this was my todays half yearly question and i also wait for an answer
  • 1
very thanks dude....i did it ri8...thank u
  • 0
its 16*
  • 5
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