How many fundamental rights are there in Indian constitution? Explain each in brief..

Dear student,

There are 6 fundamental rights in Indian constitution :

1) Right To Equality :
This right means that every person is equal before the law. No person can be discriminated on the basis of religion, Caste, Gender. The practice of untouchability has been abolished.

2)Right To Freedom :
This right means that every person has freedom to speech, ralley and could reside in any part of the country.

3)Right To Freedom of Religion: 
This right means that every person has right to practice its own religion.

4) Cultural And Educational Rights :
This right means that every person has the power to open and set up an Institution in any part of the country to preserve their heritage.

5) Right Against Exploitation: 
This right means that Human Trafficking And Child under 14 Years of age labouring has been prohibited.

6) Right To Constitutional Remedies:
This right means that if any citizen of India felt that he has been violated or anything has gone wrong then he is free to move to court.


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