how many lines of symmetry are in rhombus

A rhombus has 2 lines of symmetry.

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1 line of symetry

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No , Harsh is wrong. The right answer is 3.


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Sorry the answer is 2

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 2 lines of vertical nd one horizontal..:D

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2 lines of symmetry both diagonals

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There are 2 lines of symmetry one in each diagonals.

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it has 2.

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Exactly 2.

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there are exactly two lines of symmetry in a rhombus

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digonanles are the line of symmentry of a RHOMBUS .so RHOMBUS has two lines of symmentry

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2 lines of symmetry

pls thumbs up. :):)

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2 lines of symmetry

pls thumbs up. :):)

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There are 2 line of symmetry in rhombus.

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If the rhombus is in the shape of a quadrilateral it has 4 lines of symmetry and if it is in the shape of a parallelogram it has 0 lines of symmetry.

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