How many nucleus are present in a zygote.??

A zygote has two nuclei since it is formed combination of a sperm and egg.

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2, a sperm and one ova

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 only one nucleus of ovum and sperm fuse and form one cell with one nucleus.

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one - a sperm fertilize and egg and you have a zygote ( each sperm and egg have one nucleus and they fuse togeter to forn a diploid zygote which diploid means twochromosomes -one from mommy and one from daddy


it is a proof(copy form wikipedia)

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it has one cell . ie 2n

sperms and ova are haploid cells while zygote is a diploid cell

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there are two nuclei present in zygote

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 use ur brain and read the proof

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datzz wat i have written

it has one cell

then why thumbs down haan

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thankxxxx to all of you

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show the formation of zygote and gametes

male and fe male

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There is only one nuclei as zygote is the fusion of two neucleus and cells. The two cells and their nucleus merge resulting in only one cell and neuclei.

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the human zygote has fused nuclei



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One nucleus.

During fertilization, the nuclei of sperm fuses with the nuclei of ovum to form a single nucleus called zygote.

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Cell zaykot
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one nucleus
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1 cell
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The number of nuclei present in a zygote is one.
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it has only one cell.....because the sperm and ovum comes in contact and forms zygote...whivh has only one cell
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1 neuclus
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Two Nucleus one of ova and one of sperm
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it's one but not two.
two nucleus join to form zygote.
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there will be two nucleus in the zygote.
one is of the sperm and the other is of the ovum.
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Two nucleus are present in zygote
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one nucleus 
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both egg and sperm have one nuclei and when they fuse to zygote nuclie of both convert to a single nucleus
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It has 2 nuclei
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Only one .
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Zygote has two nuclei
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Zygote has only one nucleus since after fertilisation both the nuclei of sperm and egg fuse.
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