How many sides does rhombus have

As we know that a quadrilateral means a four sided polygon and we know that rhombus is also a quadrilateral ,therefore ,its obvious that rhombus has four sides.

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rhombus has 4 sides
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A rhombus has exactly four sides and has a diamond shape. All the sides of a rhombus are the same length, and its opposite sides are parallel to each other. The difference between a rhombus and a square is that the angles in a rhombus cannot be 90 degrees.
Hope it helps u!!
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4 ,side
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4 sides
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4 sides
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A rombus has 4 sides.
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dear friend a rhombus have 4 sides because it is a quartilateral like sqaure,tripezium    etc
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4 sides.
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4 sides
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4 sides
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