How many types of nouns are their in English?

8 types as we know

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Norns are categorazed in several ways: such as:

Basically Nouns are five kinds:-

a) Proper Nouns: Rahim

b) Common Nouns: Student

c) Collective Nouns:Class

d) Materical Nouns: Water

e) Abstrac  Nouns: Honesty

As Grammarians say : a+b+c+ are called Countable and d+e are called  Uncountable. Besides it

a+b+c+d are called Concrete Nouns and only e are called Abscract Nouns. (Moid)

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There are only three nouns in english: abstract noun, proper noun, and coolective noun.

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@nargund you have written the wrong spelling its collective

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gfd code 2 more no 2les

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A NOUN is a word used as the name of a person, place or thing. For Example, Ashoka was a wise king. Here the noun Ashoka refers to a particular king, but the noun king might be applied to any other king as well as to Ashoka. We call Ashoka a Proper Noun, and king a Common Noun. Similarly, 1-Sita is a Proper Noun, while girl is a Common Noun.2-Hari is a Proper Noun, while boy is a Common Noun. 3-Kolkata is a Proper Noun, while city is a Common Noun. 4-India is a Proper Noun, while country is a Common Noun. The word 'girl' is a Common Noun, because it is a name common to all girls, while Sita is a Proper Noun because it is the name of a particular girl. Description about types of nouns is in the photo.

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5 Types of Nouns that You Use All the Time. Nouns come in a lot of different shapes and sizes. The major ones are common nouns, proper nouns, abstract nouns, possessive nouns, and collective nouns.
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4types common noun, abstract, proper, collective
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There are ten types of noun in English Grammar :
1- Proper Noun
2- Common Noun
3- Concrete Noun
4- Abstract Noun
5- Collective Noun
6- Compound Noun
7- Countable Noun
8- Uncountable Noun
9- Material Noun
10- Possessive Noun
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There are 10 types of noun
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There are 8 types of noun
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There are 14
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Two types of noun
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In english 9 types are there
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How many English
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8 types of nouns
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