How many types of zygotic combinations are possible between a cross Aa BB Cc Dd x AA bb Cc DD?

 please dont give links...

Dear student

Please refer the solution below for the said query


The number of possible gamates = 2n, where n is number of heterozygous pairs of genes.

In above cross the number of heterozygous pairs of genes in first parent = 3, therefore possible gamates = 23 = 8

The number of heterozygous pairs of genes in second parent = 1, therefore possible gamates = 2= 2

When 8 combinations are crossed with 2 combination, the number of zygotic combinations = 8 x 2 = 16.

Hope this information clears your doubt about the topic.


  • 23
Gamete produce by Aa BB Cc Dd is 8 and gamete by another one is 2.when both crosses each other 16 zygotes are formed.
  • 4
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