How much money did he have at first
Q. Mohit spent 1 6 of his money on a tennis racket, 3 4 of his money on a watch, Rs. 200 on a book and left with Rs. 300. How much money did he have at first?

Dear student,

Let the initial amount of money Mohit has=Rs xMoney spent on tennis racket=16×x=Rs x6Money spent on watch=Rs 3x4Money spent on book=Rs 200Acc to question,x- x6+3x4+200= 300x- 4x+18x+480024= 300x-22x24-200=30024x-22x24=300+2002x24=500x=500×242x=250×24x=Rs 6000Thus the amount he had at first=Rs 6000

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