how respiration takes places in plants body?

Respiration takes place in the plant cells by the diffusion of gases through stomata, lenticels etc and release of energy from the food that plant's make by the process of photosynthesis. For more details please follow the link-!!/N0jv10nZPt0ark5icVuYgg!!

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the stromatal cells in the leaves of the plants have guard cells which expands to take in gases and to release out.

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Is respiration in plants takes place only through leaves?

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respiration takes place in human beings as well as in plants, in plants respiration takes place through stomata present in the leaves of plants in some plants respiration also takes place through special openings called lenticals. 

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find the HCF of 81 and 237 and express it as a linear combination of 81 and 237.

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what is static equilibruim explain with an example?

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