how to build an angle of 200 degree using compass and ruler

Answer :

We can construct angles , As we have shown in steps some of angle constructions .

Step 1 :  Draw a line AB 

Step 2 :  Now take any radius in our compass . draw a semicircle , That meet at X our line AB .

Step 3 :  Now we take center X and draw an arc with same radius that meet our semicircle at ' C ' And with same radius draw an arc taking center ' C ' that meet our semicircle at ' D ' .

Thats how we get  CAB  =  60°  And DAB  =  120°

Step 4 :  Now we draw two arcs as with same radius and center C and D , these arcs meet at E . So we get

EAB  =  90°  ,  Line AE meet our semicircle at 'Y'

Step 5 :  Now we take same radius and center D and Y , these arcs meet at P . So we get

PAB  =  105°  .

Step 6 :  Now we take same radius and center C and Y , these arcs meet at Q . So we get

QAB  =  75°  .

Step 6 :  Now we take same radius and center C and X , these arcs meet at R . So we get

RAB  =  30°  . 

So we can construct so many angles with help of compass.

We only form angles  60° , 120°  And angles between them As 90° , 45°   , 150° or 30° , 15° , 75° or 22.5° .  As we form these angle by dividing our angles in two equal parts . But as we can't form angle of 200° with help of compass

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