how to divide 896745 by 10?

 896745 can be written as 896745.0

When we divide a no. by another no. that ends with zero, such as 10, 100, 1000...., we simply shift the decimal to the left side, the decimal places shifted being equal to the number of zeroes in the divisor.

So, 896745 will become 89674.5

Similarly, if we divide 45693 by 1000, we'll shift decimal 3 places to left hand side. It will become 45.693

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896745 is the number.

When we divide a no. by another no. that ends with zero, such as 10, 100, 1000...., we simply shift the decimal to the left side, the decimal places shifted being equal to the number of zeroes in the divisor.

So, 896745 becomes 89674.5

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