How to do this????

Dear student,
Image result for circle and diameter
We are given that in 40 seconds the athlete completer one round of the circle. We have to find the distance and displacement covered in 2 min 20 seconds that is equal to 120+20 seconds or 140 seconds.

Since the athlete covers 1 round in 40 seconds thus in 140 seconds he covers 140/40 = 3.5 round.

If he covers 3.5 rounds then the total distance is = 3.5 x perimeter of one round

distance = 3.5 x (2πr)               Here r =diameter/2 = 100 m

Distance = 2200 m

For displacement after the end of 140 seconds the athlete reaches point B in the above image. The shortest distance which covers these points is AB = Diameter. So displacement = diameter.

Displacement = 200 m
Hope this information will clear your doubts about topic.

If you have any more doubts just ask here on the forum and our experts will try to help you out as soon as possible.



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