How to find Distance between two Planes ?

Please give an example also .
Thank you.

There will be 2 kinds of plane:-Intersecting planes and parallel planes.If the planes are intersecting, then the distance between them will be 0.So we can find distance between them only when they are parallel.Let a1x+b1y+c1z+d1=0 and a1x+b1y+c1z+d2 = 0 are 2 parallel planes.Take a point Px1,y1,z1 on any one of these planes and find the length of the perpendicular drawn from Px1,y1,z1 to the other plane.

The equation of 2 parallel planes is 

distance between the two parallel planes is given by:

let us take the two parallel planes be 2x-y+3z=4 and 2x-y+3z=18

therefore the distance is given by:

  • 5
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