How to find speed and velocity i need the formula of both of them also what is the difference between speed and velocity i need handwritten defination also formula of speed and velocity is speed same as velocity ????

Dear student Speed the rate at which someone or something moves or operates or is able to move or operate. Speed= distance/time Velocity the speed of something in a given direction Velocity= displacement/time Difference:The short answer is that velocity is the speed with a direction, while speed does not have a direction. Speed is a scalar quantity—it is the magnitude of the velocity. Speed is measured in units of distance divided by time (e.g., miles per hour, feet per second, meters per second, etc.). Velocity is a vector quantity—when giving the velocity we must specify the magnitude (the speed) and the direction of travel. For example you might drive 100km/hr (the speed) in a northerly direction. Regards

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Speed can be found by formula Speed = distance / time
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