How to find which is noun phrase , adverb phrase and adjective phrase ?


It is easy to identify a noun phrase as it contains a group of words that has a noun as its head word, and other modifiers that distinguish it. 
  • Eg: The neighbour's dog who chases our cat.
In the aforementioned sentence the dog is the noun hence 'The neighbour's dog' is the noun phrase.

An adverb phrase is one that acts as an adverb, hence it can modify a verb, and adverb and an adjective and answer questions such as the 'how', 'where', 'why' or 'when'.
  • Eg: Meet me at the mall.
In the aforementioned sentence, 'at the mall' is the adverb phrase as it answers the question of 'where'.

This brings us to the third phrase, the adjective phrase, much like the adjective, an adjective phrase is one that tells us something about the noun it's modifying, hence it will always head the noun.
  • Eg: These are really expensive shoes.
In the aforementioned sentence, the adjective phrase hence is 'really expensive shoes', since it tells us something about the noun, which is shoes in this case.


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